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In the process of carrying out the Japanese consular legalization procedure, you may encounter many problems such as not following the correct procedure, leading to the application being rejected or having to supplement many times. So in this article, EZ will give you a few notes to make this process go smoothly and quickly.

1. For papers that are university degrees; certificates from public schools; Judicial Records
You need to send the original directly to the Japanese Embassy in Vietnam for authentication, then proceed with the consular legalization procedure at the Consular Department - Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. For the remaining papers
The steps to be taken when legalizing Japanese nationality are as follows:

Step 1: If the original documents are signed and stamped, then go to the notary office for certification.

Step 2: Transfer documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Note: In this step, we will go directly to the Vietnamese Embassy in Japan, then send the consular legalized documents to Vietnam for use.


Step 1: If the original document is signed and stamped, go to the notary office for certification

Step 2:   Transfer the dossier to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, then send the dossier to Vietnam for legalization at the Consular Department.

EZ Holdings is currently providing consular legalization services for Vietnamese and foreigners in need. Coming to EZ, you will get:

  • Processed quickly, with high efficiency and no need to book in advance.
  • Quickly update information on procedures and working processes of the receiving agency.
  • Ensure accuracy and compliance with customer requirements.
  • Send results directly to customers.

Note: EZ can help you to submit documents to the competent authorities for consular legalization, but you need a power of attorney and your original passport.

For more information, please contact EZ at 0869 907 519 | 0867 439 725 or email